How an Embarrassing Dinner Date Led this Mother to the

“AgelessLi-wei” Secret…


Discover how you can smooth out wrinkles, remove laugh lines and firm up your neck in minutes

WITHOUT expensive creams or serums...

-- just like these women…

Hi My name’s Heather Adams…

And over the next few minutes I’m gonna share my unique and awkward story that not only repaired and strengthened my relationship with my daughter…

… but also made me look twenty years younger!

See, It was supposed to be a “special” dinner for my daughter Tina and her boyfriend Troy…

And Troy was cooking a special “3-month Anniversary” dinner for Tina…

Troy was a welcome change from Tina's last boyfriend – polite, courteous, and attentive.…

...much different from his Dad… more on “the Dad” in a moment…

And Tina was genuinely happy…

I felt blessed that my daughter had found such a great guy in these crazy times…

But that Anniversary dinner… and then the fallout with Troy’s Dad… became a turning point for my relationship with Tina...

... and it led me to question everything I believed that was “right” about being a good Mom…

But which ultimately led me to an incredible discovery that helped me erase 20 years of aging… and could help YOU do the same in as little as just 10 minutes from now…

See, a few days after that dinner, Tina visited as she always did on Tuesdays…

But she seemed distant… glued to her phone and barely speaking…

I tried to make some small talk… but she’d just nod or shrug.

And then her eyes darted at me… “Mom, I had to lie to Troy… and it’s tearing me apart…”

My mind raced… What was it?

I thought to myself… I raised Tina to be truthful…

So I blurted out... “Are You Pregnant?”

No Mom!

But now she was angry and I could see her fighting back tears… “What is it Tina?” I begged.

“I lied to Troy and his Dad because… of you Mom!”

Me? What had I done? What had I said? 

I couldn’t think of anything… and then I realized…

Oh gosh… my blind date from Hell I’d had…

I knew what she meant now… 

And what Tina said next… and the embarrassing position I’d put her in because of… what I’d done…

Ashamed me...

“I had to LIE Mom!”...

"I had to pretend I didn’t  know... who the woman was that Troy’s Dad went on a date with”… but it was YOU! "

”you sent him a fake picture… of you!?”

…“and you thought he wouldn’t notice when he met you in person?!”...

Wow… it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was caught…

“I’m so embarrassed because of you Mom! …all dinner long Troy’s Dad laughed about the Old Woman who tried to trick him!”

That stung…

It didn’t matter that Troy’s Dad was a jerk… 

My “blind date from hell” apparently cut both ways…

And “I” was the reason my daughter felt so ashamed…

…my selfish action made her feel like the only way “out” was for her to lie.

In my defense… I didn’t even realize at the time that what I was doing was wrong.

But over 16 years… I’d aged.

I tried my best to maintain my appearance…

To hold on to my beauty as long as I could…

But it was hard…

I knew I was getting older... I just didn't realize


And with each passing year it became harder and lonelier…

I missed the days when my husband would come home from work and the three of us would share dinner together…

…and then me and my husband would “sneak away” for romantic time when we could...

But that was years ago… and I’d changed…

Menopause was, and still is, hard on me (I still have night sweats!)

See, Tina had been after me for some time…  “Mom, you need to “get back” in the game…”

Because her Dad (my husband of 24 years)... had passed unexpectedly several years prior.

And the last year or so… Tina and I had begun to butt heads a bit more…

And I was troubled by that…

I mean… I always thought that we’d grow closer… not further apart… like best friends… 

I’d spent my days making sure Tina had everything…

...that she was fully prepared for adulthood.

And what I thought was a healthy “Mom-daughter” relationship…

Wasn’t… I’d been too overbearing. Tina needed a mother - not another friend.

And so when she encouraged me to date again… I saw it as a loving nudge to focus on myself…

…and that conversation helped me appreciate her growth into a beautiful young woman, and I felt proud that she wanted me to move on.

So, with Tina’s motivation…

I agreed to entertain and "play the field" and I ended up on one of those dating apps.

And if you’re like me, the technology thing can be a bit overwhelming! But Tina was “very focussed” on getting me “up to speed” lol…

…she showed me around the app so I didn’t feel completely lost!

So there I was with my index finger… scrolling through the app… and to say I was a little intimidated? Let me tell you!

As a 59 year old woman… I was astonished at how stunning these women looked… They were so beautiful and perfect looking…

So I put my iPad down and… being disappointed (and a little depressed) and went back to my Netflix for the night.

The next day Tina called me…“Hey Mom! Did you find any guys on the app that you liked!?” Yikes! - I hesitated… I didn't want to let her down and I didn’t want her to know how I really felt… Did she really need to hear her Mom complaining about all the beautiful women on the app?

So I told her… “I may have liked one or two Sweety!”... “Well don’t disappoint me Mom!” then Tina quickly hung up to take another call…

OK, so what’d I do? I had to make an effort for Tina… but I also didn’t want to completely strike out… So I chose a photo from my Facebook taken 16 years earlier.

I mean, why not right?

Sure, I looked more youthful in that picture, but in many ways not much had changed.

I mean I’d obviously aged some… a few more wrinkles today… and my neck had lost some of its firmness…

But… my weight was still about the same…

I exercised and I dressed fashionably... and I even tried to listen to some of Tina’s music...

So… after I uploaded that other photo onto my profile…

I said a quick little prayer… clicked the button on my Profile…

And I was “live” on the dating app!

Then I waited… and within a day… I’d found myself chatting with a man (about my age)...

And just talking with another man… with a “teenage” like flirtation… lol

It felt STRANGE, but… WONDERFUL and exciting too!

We hit it off!

So John and I (John was a “young” 60 year old and recent divorcee)... decided on a Friday night date…

I was excited to meet him!

It had been far too long since I'd felt this way… Tina was right…

…it was time for me to focus on my own happiness!


What I’d been looking forward to all week… turned out to be a big disappointment.

John was boastful and irritating… He even LOOKED ridiculous.

I’m sorry, but a 60 year old man dressing in designer jeans and a shirt the style that kids in their 20’s wear?

…and his cringe-worthy attempts at using slang his, ” teenage-self" would be proud of…

Let’s just say I was “unimpressed” with him.

…but in fairness, I wasn’t “marketing myself” in good faith either…

His stunned gaze when he came face-to-face with me for our date… felt like a crushing weight on my chest.

The date ended, but the shame and embarrassment I would cause to my daughter hurt me the most.

At that moment I realized… using a 16-year-old photo of myself…

I wasn’t just deceiving John… I was deceiving myself as well.

I was running from the truth… Because…

When that photo was taken, it was the happiest time of my life… my husband and I were in love…

…men would look at me all the time…

…I’d even get whistled at… it felt good to be noticed.

So when did this change happen?

I hadn’t really noticed, it just kind of went away…

…I was barely noticed by men and felt invisible.

I was the reason for my daughters embarrasment and I had to find a way to reverse my aging skin

I needed to find a way to permanently reverse my aging skin.

I needed to regain my confidence - to truly like what I saw in the mirror.

So I began my journey…

…determined to regain my youthful appearance… to once again, look like that woman in the photo from 16 years ago…

…and bring back that beautiful soft, firm and radiant skin I once had… and to turn heads and be noticed again.

And I KNEW it was possible… Because I’ve seen it and you probably have to… that girlfriend or woman you know that seems to never age? 

And I USED to think it was because of genetics (but not always)...

So I got to work.

Searching online and at the library… I went through tons of medical journals and many women's online forums…

…I watched experts on podcasts…

I even tried various beauty techniques… creams and serums and anti-wrinkle devices…

And even though I found “some success”… it was either limited or just didn’t work at all.

But the discovery I made, which changed everything…

…erasing 20 years of aging right off my face… 

…that Celebs like Jane Fonda, Christie Brinkley, Gwyneth Paltrow and Helen Mirren are using…

It turns out “all the greats” know about this method!

And I’m not talking about Botox or some “new” expensive surgery… or even a cream or serum…

Because this is better than any of those…

And when I first tried this… I immediately felt areas on my face, neck and skin…

…restore in a way that brought me back in time…

…back to how I looked and felt 16 years earlier…

I made this incredible discovery that women all over are now using to…

Remove their facial wrinkles…

…remove Marionette lines…

…remove laugh lines…

…remove crows feet…

…and firm up their neck area…

Like Susan G who at 56 says she “regularly gets told how she looks fifteen years younger!"

Or Natalie C., 53, who is often compared to a 30-year-old Helen Mirren.

There’s also Gayle R, who despite being 54, recently got mistook for being her 35-year-old son’s sister.

And here’s the thing… all these women are getting amazing results…


Botox, expensive surgeries or gimmicky tools all because of…


The AgelessLi-wei breakthrough was created by Li Wei “Lilly” Zhang… Lilly, a therapist and practitioner of ancient Chinese medicine… such as Gua Sha, Tui Na, Moxibustion and Qi Gong…

“I remember as a little girl watching my Mother sitting at her vanity …her hands and fingers rhythmically moving and massaging over her face and neck… My Mother told me it was her special… “Li-Wei Qing Chun”... which she named after me”

Lilly explained that her name “Li-Wei” signifies... “Beauty & Grace”...

...while “Qing Chun” represents...

“Youthfulness & Radiant Wrinkle-free Skin”.

And with AgelessLi-wei, women over 50 can restore their skin back to a youthful glow… and promote production of new collagen… reduce wrinkles… remove tension and stress... regain firmness under the chin and neck area and… deliver radiant skin to women of ANY age.


  • WITHOUT any harmful chemicals

  • WITHOUT triggering allergic reactions

  • WITHOUT clogging the pores

  • WITHOUT causing breakouts

  • WITHOUT paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars on serums or creams.

And to think I almost didn’t find Lilly and discover this breakthrough… But in just a moment you’ll see how you can get radiant and glowing skin too...

And how you can regain your youthful complexion and beauty again with AgelessLi-wei…

…and remove 10, 15, even 20 years of aging from your face…

…in as little as 10 minutes from now.

"How can something as simple as "AgelessLi-wei" be powerful enough to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles?"

See I first heard about Lilly Zhang at a pharmaceutical conference in Los Angeles…

… and thanks for the thoughtful planning my late husband had done…

…I’d been afforded the chance to focus on discovering anti-aging solutions…

…and after the lockdowns, I was looking forward to traveling again!

But Lilly is not the type of woman that’s easily “found”...

…and that’s by design.

See Lilly, a second generation Chinese immigrant, had remained anonymous for quite some time…

At that conference I had the chance to speak with Cosmetic executives and the scientists “behind” the anti-aging products…

..and then I was pulled into an odd and revealing conversation with a young researcher named Kai.

…Kai was Lilly’s nephew.

…he’d been conducting research on the effectiveness of an anti-aging serum for a large company… 

…but had doubts about their claims… he didn’t believe them.

Or should I say… he knew they were concealing a specific “technique”… 

…because when combined with anti-wrinkle serum…

…significantly improved results…and FAST!


“It's not in their financial interest to include it…” he told me.

Wait, what?

That just didn’t make sense to me…

I mean, why ignore an innovation that could boost the effectiveness of creams and serums tenfold?

And when I asked him what they were “concealing”…

he politely tried to excuse himself…

“Wait a minute!” I said… I’ve come too far and I wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip away…

And so I explained to him…

"Like Big Pharma...It's not in their financial interest to include this with their anti-aging creams & serums..."

...I wasn’t an executive and had no commercial motive…

I pleaded and said, “I’m simply a woman that has real personal needs…”

"I want to regain my youth and remove facial wrinkles and firm up my neck…I want to look beautiful again”.

I worried I had overstepped…

…but then he smiled gently and said…

“I think you should meet my Auntie Lilly”.

…and little did I know then, but by tomorrow afternoon… 

…I’d see and experience myself how to remove the wrinkles on my face and firm up the area around my neck.

... I wasn’t an executive and had no commercial motive…

I pleaded and said, "I’m simply a woman that has real personal needs…”

"I want to regain my youth and remove facial wrinkles and firm up my neck…I want to look beautiful again”.

I worried I had overstepped… but then he smiled gently and said…

“I think you should meet my Auntie Lilly”.

…and little did I know then, but by tomorrow afternoon… 

…I’d see and experience myself how to remove the wrinkles on my face and firm up the area around my neck.

The next day when Kai introduced me to Lilly…

If I had to guess her age? I would’ve said “40 something”… maybe mid 40’s… to my surprise Lilly was 67!

“What’s your secret?!” I blurted out…

Both Kai and Lilly laughed… I needed to slow down and get to know Lilly and Kai first…

Kai began by saying… “Obviously it's all about profit for the Big Cosmetic companies”.

Then he explained that… similar to the “Wellness” industry…

…where it’s actually BETTER for Big Pharma to keep people sick… and continue to feed them expensive medication…

…that it’s the same with Cosmetic companies.

…the longer you stay on their expensive serums and creams, trying one and then another… the more money they make.

And that made sense to me.

But I wasn’t interested in accounting… I wanted to know how I could feel beautiful again.

And that’s when Lilly sat down…

"Unlike retinol creams, which can cause skin irritation and dryness, facial massages offer a natural and non-invasive method of stimulating collagen production to reduce wrinkles without any side effects."

...pulled her chair up close to me… smiled and said...

“Heather, are you ready to be transformed?”

I felt nervous… but excited… “Yes! Show me how!”

Lilly said… “to understand how to remove the wrinkles on your skin…you must first understand the reason why what you’ve been doing… hasn’t worked for you…”

She went on to explain how…

...pulled her chair up close to me… smiled and said “Heather, are you ready to be transformed?”

I felt nervous… but excited… “Yes! Show me how!”

Lilly said… “to understand how to remove the wrinkles on your skin…”

“you must first understand the reason why what you’ve been doing… hasn’t worked for you…”

She went on to explain how…

Even the most expensive creams and serums are

DOOMED to FAIL because they’re being “BLOCKED” ...

before they can ever begin to work…

Here’s why…

See, everyday our bodies absorb various toxins including: air pollution, vehicle exhaust fumes, and other harmful chemicals…

…and they contain heavy metals like lead, mercury and cadmium…

…even eating some types of fish can have harmful toxins… 

…and the toxicity of these heavy metals can accumulate and cause issues in our organs, the biggest organ being our skin…

These toxins “build up” and form a BARRIER in our skin… and they must be flushed out consistently for skin to remain healthy.

So how do our bodies “flush out” these toxins…?

…through the Lymphatic System… which is a pretty amazing filtration process!

See, the Lymphatic System has two components…

…the Lymphatic Vessels and the Lymph Nodes.

… and when they’re working in harmony, they eliminate many of these toxins…

Think of Lymphatic Vessels like Highways…

…they transport all lymphatic fluid… just like highways transport cars… from one location to another…

…and the Lymph Nodes are like “Police Checkpoints” along the route... 

…screening and filtering out harmful waste… like police pulling over dangerous drivers.

"...when the Lymphatic System stops working… it leads to a slow and steady buildup of toxins and fluid

…causing puffiness, swelling, dark circles, and a dull, tired-looking complexion…"

See, the Lymphatic System has two components…

…the Lymphatic Vessels and the Lymph Nodes.

… and when they’re working in harmony, they eliminate many of these toxins…

Think of Lymphatic Vessels like Highways…

…they transport all lymphatic fluid… just like highways transport cars… from one location to another…

…and the Lymph Nodes are like “Police Checkpoints” along the route... 

…screening and filtering out harmful waste… like police pulling over dangerous drivers.

But here’s the thing… as we age…

…the Lymphatic System becomes less efficient at removing waste and toxins…

…and when the Lymphatic System stops working well… it leads to a slow and steady buildup of toxins and fluid…

…causing puffiness, swelling, dark circles, and a dull, tired-looking complexion…

…and over time, can lead to more serious health issues… like weakening the immune system and making it more difficult to fight off illnesses and infections.

That’s why as women get older… beginning in their mid 40’s…

…their Lymphatic System slows way down… and that’s why this “waste-fluid” has built up in your face and neck…

…which not only leads to puffiness, dark circles and a tired, worn-down complexion… but to more serious issues like “facial lymphedema”... (an extremely swollen and painful face)…

…studies have also shown links between Lymphatic fluid buildup and Alzeimers.

I realized that ignoring Lymphatic Drainage… is too risky not to take seriously.

Then I asked Lilly...

"...when the Lymphatic System stops working… it leads to a slow and steady buildup of toxins and fluid

…causing puffiness, swelling, dark circles, and a dull, tired-looking complexion…"

"So you’re saying toxic fluid buildup in the face causes puffiness, dark circles and wrinkles… as well as serious health issues… so… if I eliminate the fluid, can I remove my wrinkles?

“You're almost there…” Lilly replied.

She continued explaining…

Lymphatic Drainage is crucial before applying any anti-aging serums… but most women have no idea why that’s the “first step”... 

…This is the Real Reason Why Anti-Aging Serums & Creams Don’t Work

…It’s because your skin is not “prepared” to absorb the serum…

And the reason why your skin will never really become…  radiant again…

…or wrinkle free…

…or achieve a firmer neck…

…is…and this is important so listen carefully..

If the “waste-fluid” isn’t drained first, then the toxins form a “barrier” for serums and creams… and since they can’t be absorbed into the area of the skin - where the active ingredients are most effective, wrinkles can never truly diminish.”

What happens to women in their 40’s, 50’s and older is… their Lymphatic system dramatically slows…toxic waste-fluid builds up in the face and neck area…and it causes puffiness, dark circles, wrinkles and “neck fat”.

So the first step BEFORE applying creams or serums…

…is to drain the Lymphatic System…because the toxic waste-fluid can act as a BARRIER… preventing active ingredients from working in your skin.

Which means…

…if women want to remove wrinkles, droopy eyelids, double chins and jowls……they need to prepare their skin first before using any cream or serum.

Lilly went on…

When you look in the mirror and see the wrinkles around your eyes, around your forehead and chin…

…and the loss of elasticity around your neck…

…what you're seeing are the effects of Lymphatic fluid buildup.

So if Lymphatic Fluid builds up on the face and neck area, then how can it be drained?” I asked.

Lilly smiled and then told me… 

“Lymphatic Drainage is a Simple Process that Takes Just 5 Minutes a Day… and Any Woman Can Do It!”

But Lilly warned: there's a right way, and a wrong way to do this, as I’ll explain in just a moment… So Why is Lymphatic Drainage so important for women 50 and older to routinely do?

Lymphatic Drainage can immediately restore your skin to a youthful glow by…

  • Reducing puffiness, wrinkles and dark circles

  • Improving skin tone and texture

  • Stimulating collagen which improves elasticity

  • Promoting new skin cell growth

And is incredibly beneficial for a woman's overall health by…

  • Boosting the body’s immune system to help reduce the risk of chronic disease

  • Reducing harmful inflammation that can lead to skin problems like psoriasis and eczema

  • Improving sleep by removing stress and tension build up

  • And improving overall mental health

Lymphatic Drainage is the Ultimate Detox & Transforms Your Skin Back to it’s Youthful Glow.

Lilly said, “ a woman over 50, you must make Lymphatic drainage a part of your daily routine…”

...I needed to understand HOW to drain my Lymphatic System…

How Women Over 50 Can Stimulate their Lymphatic System to Drain Toxins in Under 5 Minutes

to Promote Youthful Glowing Skin…

Lilly went on to describe how…

…“as women age, they require “extra help” for efficient Lymphatic Drainage…there are several ways to do that… ONE I highly recommend - and will demonstrate for you in just a moment”...

The first way is using Pneumatic Compression Machines… They deliver rhythmic pressure to the affected area and can help drain some of the waste-fluid… but the problem with these is that…

…they’re expensive and cost hundreds even thousands of dollars.

The next way is through surgery… which is done to create a new “lymphatic highway” to bypass aged and damaged Lymphatic vessels… and in severe cases can mean the removal of lymph nodes all together…

…but no one wants surgery if it can be avoided.

Lilly continued… “There’s a better “non-invasive” way for Women over 50”...

…that’s so simple that any woman can do it in as little as 5 minutes a day.

Women using AgelessLi-Wei are seeing their sagging skin firm up & their wrinkles smooth out...

Can Stimulating the Lymphatic System to Drain Toxins

Lead to Removing Wrinkles?

Yes! Kai confirmed and…

…and during his research he found a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology which found that “facial massage can help improve lymphatic drainage, reducing the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines.”

…and also a study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology that said… “lymphatic drainage massage can improve lymphatic function… reducing lymphedema and improving quality of life.

AgelessLi-wei Drains the Lymphatic System While Removing Wrinkles & Firming-Up Your Skin

You see, what Lilly created is…

…this breakthrough facial massage technique that… removes wrinkles, puffiness, and firms up the area around the neck…

…all while stimulating the Lymphatic System to drain the waste-fluid safely & quickly…

...WITHOUT any kind of invasive surgery... or having to purchase expensive cosmetic tools.. not only do you get all the health benefits from Lymphatic Drainage…

…you can also do the massage on the area of your face you feel needs the most work!

The “AgelessLi-wei” method fixes all the “problem” areas you’ve been struggling with like…

  • Forehead wrinkles

  • Droopy eyelids

  • Marionette lines

  • Laugh lines

  • and Turkey neck

“Let me show you you can easily drain your Lymphatic System with this simple massage”

…and before I could say anything Lilly placed her hands on the edge of my cheeks…  and with a small-circular motion…

…her fingers carefully moved around my cheeks, under my eyes, and then down my neck… but for just for a moment…

“Now you try yourself, just follow me!”... Lilly said.

So as I watched Lilly, I took my hands, placed them over my face and moved my hands and fingers just as Lilly did…

"apply a bit more pressure there… yes that’s it…”

"before moving to the next area of your face tap your fingers onto your skin like I’m doing here”...

..."Yes, just like that!” Lilly said.

The whole exercise took 5 minutes for me to do… 

…and the feeling I had…was like a “spa vacation" for my face! 

I mean it felt wonderful!

…Lilly told me if you do this daily… you’ll see wrinkles fade and your neck area firm up again.

And looking at Lilly... I saw with my own eyes - how young she looked because of AgelessLi-wei…

AgelessLi-Wei Helps Women Over 50

Dramatically Remove Their Wrinkles…

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voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

...and can erase 20 years of aging… making a 67 year old look like she’s in her 40’s!

Lilly smiled and said, just do this simple massage once a day to start removing fine lines and wrinkles…

Thanking Lilly and Kai, I went back to my hotel…

excited to wake up tomorrow morning and do the same exercise that Lilly had shown me…

Because by taking just 5 minutes each morning…

I could immediately begin to remove wrinkles and fine lines… and even reverse the aging of my face!

And when I applied the serum Lilly recommended AFTER I’d “prepared my face” with this simple technique…

…then the active ingredients would get to the area of my skin to actually work!

I woke up the next morning, cleansed my face… and then I began massaging my face, starting with my forehead… then along my cheeks…down to my chin and then finished around my neck.

But… I couldn’t remember if I did it right…

See, when I was sitting with Lilly with her face right across from mine… it was easy to follow her lead exactly as she was massaging “her” face… so I was able to “mirror” my facial massage as I watched her… and that made it easy for me…

…but now not having Lilly in the room to guide me… I thought I was forgetting something and skipping a few critical movements.

Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab

voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here

So I reached back out to Lilly and asked her if I could stop by so she could show me the steps again for her 5-minute facial massage…

"let’s just hop on a Zoom call and I’ll show you right now” Lilly replied.

So I got on my laptop and sent Lilly my Zoom link and we hopped on the call… meticulously Lilly went through the motions with me again…

…the way my fingers should move… where and when to apply pressure…

Although the massage itself took only 5 minutes to do, Lilly patiently went through the process with me till I had it down.

Now I had the confidence to do the massage on my own.

I flew back home excited to have the new AgelessLi-wei facial massage technique!

And each morning that first week I set aside a few moments to do Lilly’s massage…

…and in order to PROVE to myself AgelessLi-wei actually reduced my wrinkles…

…I decided NOT to apply any anti-aging serums or cream that first week…

…would I see an improvement by just using AgelessLi-wei?

Here’s what happened after 7 days of Lilly’s AgelessLi-wei technique…

  • The Texture and Tone Improved on my Skin…

  • The Deep Wrinkles on my Face began to Soften… 

  • The Fine Lines had Faded…

  • The Elasticity of my Skin Improved…

  • And the Area Around my Neck began to Feel Firmer!

I could hardly keep my excitement back! Lilly’s AgelessLi-wei massage was OVER-DELIVERING in just the first week! And after that first month, things really changed for me…

My skin had smoothed out and the wrinkles were vanishing… I started sleeping better and I found a new source of energy… I even signed up for pickleball at the community center! I was looking and feeling younger!

“Think about all the money you'll save by not having to shell out for expensive facials or beauty treatments”

I called Lilly back ecstatic! I described how my wrinkles had faded and my neck firmed up… and about the incredible energy I’ve been having.

Lilly said “girl… welcome to the new you…it’s only gonna get better from here!”

Not only was I “looking” many years younger now… but I was also “healing on the inside”... because when you stimulate and activate the Lymphatic System and regularly drain the toxins and “waste-fluid”... your body regenerates itself…

…and that’s why when women use this technique… they’re getting the same results as I have!

Just like Marsha M. a 74 year old woman from Indiana...

... and Mary S. who surprises everyone when she tells them she’s 57…

And, Dalia Z. 62, who say people credit her youthful glow to ‘good genetics’, but she says it’s all because of AgelessLi-Wei...

I’d been been back home for about a month…

…and I hadn’t seen Tina since that embarrassing night... so I was happy when she called me…

“Mom, I’m sorry about what happened a few weeks ago… I should have considered how you felt… I’m sorry, I love you Mom… and I want to hear all about your trip!”

My heart swelled… “I love you Sweety!” I said… “Do you still like Chamomile tea? Stop by tonight for a cup and I’ll tell you all about it”...

…it took Tina just a moment after arriving…

“Mom, that time in LA must have agreed with you… you look REFRESHED… you seem HAPPIER… your hair style… it hasn’t changed right?"...

“Did you have some work done?!”

“No!”... I smiled… “No Botox… no surgeries…none of that… but let me share my secret!”

And then as the weeks went by…

  • I saw my face and neck transform…

  • The marionette lines had all but faded…

  • My laugh lines were hardly noticeable…

  • And my neck looked and felt firmer

My deep wrinkles had been replaced with “new” softer, plumper, healthier looking skin.

And my life changed…

  • My self-esteem improved…

  • My skin seemed to be glowing now…

  • I felt like I was rewinding the clock, looking many years younger than I actually was…

  • I even felt the eyes of younger men checking me out……

  • I had more confidence and absolutely loved how I looked!

And today when I tell people my age I’m always told I look 15, even 20 years younger…

But that’s not even the best part!

And the best part is wrinkles, eye bags, crows feet can all be erased WITHOUT…

  • WITHOUT any side effects…

  • WITHOUT wasting money on painful surgeries…

  • WITHOUT expensive creams or serums

The key to reversing the signs of aging and eliminating facial wrinkles, droopy eyelids and turkey neck… could be done in as little as 5 minutes a day... and YOU can see the difference with your own eyes!

And since I was “proof” that Lilly’s AgelessLi-wei technique really worked… and because serums and creams had no chance to work without using AgelessLi-wei…

…I knew I had to convince Lilly to help me get AgelessLi-wei to women everywhere. Lilly agreed, but only if…

…she could share AgelessLi-wei as a “gift” to women...

...because Lilly was NOT interested in making a profit from her knowledge… as you’ll see in just a moment…

Lilly told me, “If I'm going to do this, I want every woman to have access to it, so I want to price this as low as possible… making it affordable for any woman that wants to try it”

And that’s exactly what we did!

Lilly insisted that NOTHING would be held back from you… meaning…

Lilly is including everything she’s mastered in the AgelessLi-wei Method and more…

We’re revealing every one of her special massages to you… that targets all the areas of a woman's face and neck area…

…so you can apply Lilly’s AgelessLi-wei to the exact area of your face and neck that you need the most work on…

Just like Amanda, a 52 year old single Mom from Wisconsin did… she hasn’t had this many men falling over themselves to help since her 20's!

“People are telling me that I look 15 years younger. I began Lilly's AgelessLi-wei... now I’m turning heads just walking down the street!”

And 56-year-old Susanne, has rebuilt her confidence…

“I was beginning to feel invisible... and then I discovered Lilly's AgelessLi-wei massage method. Thank you!

And 63-year-old Susanne, has rebuilt her confidence…

“I felt like the youth had drained out of my face... I refused to leave home without makeup. I even stopped smiling because I didn’t want to get even deeper wrinkles. But now with Lilly's help I've got my confidence back. Thank you Lilly!

And so that’s why I helped Lilly create the AgeBrilliance Therapy System!

AgeBrilliance Therapy System is a series of interactive and explainer videos that show you in exact detail how to do each one of Lilly’s special facial massages…

…designed so you can go at your own pace and select which video you want to do that day.

It literally took “lifetimes” for Lilly to perfect… passed down from generation to generation…

Here are the individual facial massage videos you’ll have once you begin the AgBrilliance Therapy Method…

Only $19 Today

(Save $78 today)

Access The Course For $97 Just $19! Delivered Instantly. Start Watching in the Next 2 Minutes

Now Available For Instant Download

Delivered instantly. Start watching & learning in the next 2 minutes

I’m so excited to show you these videos so let's get started!

Eye Refresh & De-Puffing Massage

Eyes Reawakened: The Ultimate De-Puffing Eye Massage for a Brighter, Refreshed Look

Revitalize your eyes with our Eye Refresh & De-Puffing Massage easy to follow video! Discover Lilly's expert techniques to

effortlessly reduce puffiness and remove dark circles, revealing a youthful, radiant gaze. Refreshed, vibrant eyes are just moments away!

…Up next, get ready to discover transformative techniques that target forehead and frown lines, rejuvenating your appearance for a youthful, smooth finish.

Forehead & Frown Lines Reduction Massage

Smooth Brilliance: Eliminate Forehead & Frown Lines with Masterful Massage Techniques for a Youthful Radiance!

Defy age with the Forehead & Frown Lines Reduction Massage! Smooth-out stubborn forehead wrinkles and softening deep-set frown lines around the mouth. Unleash your skin's inner glow while relaxing facial muscles and promoting elasticity. Say goodbye to aging lines and hello to a revitalized, confident you!

…prepare to master the art of a revitalizing face massage that will leave you glowing and refreshed. The ultimate massage awaits you!

The Ultimate 10-Minute Face Massage

Transform Your Skin in Minutes… for Unprecedented Beauty & Radiance!

Introducing The Ultimate 10-Minute Face Massage. Unlock the secret to a revitalized complexion with this full-facial massage! This massage targets lymphatic drainage and releases toxins to boost circulation. Witness the magic of youthful radiance as you tone, lift, and refresh your skin in just 10 minutes… up is a favorite! Reduce your double chin with a sculpting massage!

Double Chin Reduction Massage

Sculpt Your Jawline: Shape Your Profile with Face Yoga Massage Techniques to Firm Up Your Double Chin!

Presenting the Double Chin Reduction Massage. Sculpt your perfect profile with this amazing massage! Learn and apply expert techniques specifically designed to eliminate fat and reshape the chin area. See the power of rejuvenation as you tone and tighten sagging skin, unveiling a more defined jawline. Redefine your contours and radiate confidence from every angle!

Hold on to your excitement… because we have a delightful surprise for you! These exclusive "Bonus" videos… offering even more tips, techniques, and indulgent experiences! Your captivating journey continues…


Bonus #1

Droopy Mouth Corner Lifting Massage

Restore Your Smile: Lift Droopy Corners with Expert Massage Techniques for an Invigorated Appearance!

Introducing Droopy Mouth Corner Lifting Massage… Bring back your radiant smile with this massage! Easily master this massage technique to counteract drooping corners of the mouth. Reclaim your youthful glow as you rediscover the power of a radiant, revitalized smile. Experience the joy of a rejuvenated, captivating grin as you restore firmness and lift sagging skin!

…and then refine your features for an elegant look found in this next video…

Bonus #2

Nose Slimming & Sculpting Massage

Sculpt Your Dream Nose & Master the Art of Massage to Reshape, Slim & Define Your Nose!

Presenting Nose Slimming & Sculpting Massage. This technique naturally slims and sculpts your nose without surgery. Uncover the secret to a perfectly balanced profile as you embrace the beauty of subtle refinement. Flaunt your sculpted, sophisticated features with pride!

So now you’ve heard my story… 

…and the embarrassing moment me and my daughter had that ultimately led me to AgelessWei and the AgeBrilliance Therapy Method.

…and you’ve seen first hand how hundreds of women are already experiencing the benefits of AgeBrilliance Therapy…

…you’ve seen how AgeBrilliance Therapy is backed by science

…because the real cause of wrinkles, sagging skin and double chins… 

…is the toxic waste-fluid buildup as we age.

AgeBrilliance Therapy boosts collagen, smoothes out your skin, removes wrinkles, reshapes your jawline…

…and stimulates the Lymphatic System “drain-out” waste-fluid to allow anti-aging creams and serums to actually work.

And Before You Access The AgeBrillianceTherapy Massage Video Series… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that Lilly and I are practically giving it away…

So you’re probably wondering: What’s the “catch”…?

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then put you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

We’re literally giving you this entire course, for $19 as a means of "putting our best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

Our hope is that you'll love it, get massive value, and forward this invitation to other women that can benefit from it... but with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long.

The truth is...

We were planning on selling this as a “DVD Course Series” for $297, but that meant we’d have to print copies of it, store them and ship them. Which would make it much more difficult to help more women.

Then we decided to sell this as a digital course accessible online with immediate access for $97....

...Which was great, but then we realized hey - this is a digital course and it doesn't cost us anything to sell other than a few dollars to advertise it.

By lowering the price to $19 it allows us to impact more women than ever and help them get the confidence and beauty they truly deserve and desire.

Also in most cases, we take a loss when selling the video series at this price. It costs us just over $24.00 in advertising expenses to sell one… So why would we do that?

Simple. We’re making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what we’re giving you today, and you'll want the opportunity to experience more beauty videos and our help as we release them in the future.

We’re betting that you'll enjoy this series so much, and it will have such an impact on your skin and self-confidence… you'll reach out and ask us for more…

Pretty straightforward.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...

Yes. Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

But this guarantee is unlike anything you’ve seen before. In fact, I think it's…

“I was almost out of hope... then I found Lilly's AgeBrilliance facial massage course. Now I look 10 years younger and I’ve never loved myself so much!”

Tina M. 62, St. Louis

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee in The World

We’re guaranteeing you see amazing results...

With a 180-day, 100% money back guarantee.

Access the AgeBrilliance Therapy Massage Video Series instantly and start going through each video… without wasting a single minute..

This will be one of the happiest days of your life – because you know what’s right around the corner for you…

Within a matter of days you’ll begin to see and feel a real difference…

…wrinkles beginning to disappear…

…a more refined and sculpted jawline…

And within the first month you’ll have friends and family asking “you look different, younger and your skin is more radiant… What are you doing that’s new?

You can smile and tell them all about AgeBrilliance Therapy!

And with every month that goes by you’ll see better results…

And don’t be surprised if your husband shows you off in public! Your friends will be desperate for your secret... And you’ll even begin to catch the eye of younger men checking you out (hey, I’m not into younger men either – but it's still a nice compliment!).

This is the reality for hundreds of women who have discovered AgeBrilliance Therapy.

And it can be your reality too.

But if you’re not 100% amazed…

If your results are even only HALF of what we’ve promised…

Then Lilly and I will offer you a full refund at any point within your first 180 days of using the AgeBrilliance Therapy.

There’s no strings attached and no catches.

You don’t have to explain why you want the refund.

Either you notice your wrinkles fade away – or you don’t pay a penny.

“AgeBrilliance has proved to me that fighting back against aging is possible… and easy!”

Diane L. 55, California

“I’ve always had excess fat below my jawline and around my neck. Even with this problem, AgeBrilliance Therapy has firmed up my neck area and made me look more radiant than ever.”

Sonya L. 59, Maryland

The decision you make right now will decide if you continue living with your current complexion that’s not your fault… or embrace the potential that’s waiting to be unlocked…

We can’t make this decision for you…

But let me ask you a question…

What would you like to see when you look in the mirror a month from now?

Today you have a choice between…

Continuing to see your wrinkles worsen month after month…

…the skin under your eyes and neck sag a bit more…

Or you can take control back over your complexion and turn the clock back reversing 20 years of aging…

…and “WOW” your friends as you restore that youthful glow…

…and have firmer skin with fewer wrinkles…

..and seeing the beaming smiles of your friends (and strangers) as they admire your beautiful, radiant skin.

The choice couldn’t be simpler…

Here’s what you need to do to get started. Simply hit the button below...and fill out the short form on the next page... And’ll get access to AgeBrilliance Therapy Massage Video Series...instantly.

This video course will change everything for you.

So there’s no need to hesitate.

Click the button below…

And I’ll see you inside.

I can’t wait to hear your success story!

Here's Everything

You're Getting

For Only $19 Today



Eye Refresh & De-Puffing Massage

Revitalize your eyes with our Eye Refresh & De-Puffing Massage easy to follow video! Discover Lilly's expert techniques to

effortlessly reduce puffiness and remove dark circles, revealing a youthful, radiant gaze. Refreshed, vibrant eyes are just moments away!